August, on a Saturday afternoon and sitting on the front porch is where I can spend all day. Cool breeze and a glass of lemonade while I wait for guests to check in. It's my picture window to the world, or at least to the neighborhood.
The only thing I'm missing is a BBQ with friends. Every one's working and family is too far away to have a gathering of any sort. Meanwhile, I'm enjoying nature at it's fullest. A couple weeks ago, we ran to the store for supplies and our guests saw a moose by the barn. It's the first spotting since we purchased the inn in 2005. We have our daily visit from the bears, as they knock over the garbage cans and also the chipmunks and squirrels as they frolic through the trees. Deer and their fawn, owls, a raccoon once spotted and even a red fox. Nature is a beautiful thing and it's not something you see everyday when you live in the city.