Monday, February 25, 2013

March is Maple Month in New Hampshire

March is just around the corner an you can already smell maple in the air. Not really, but I do enjoy the thought of it. You know when your given a stack of panckes and you pour on the syrup. The smells that remind you of when you were a kid, when  Mom made breakfast. That's the smell I'm looking forward to this March.
The weekend of March 23rd and 24th is a great time to visit the sugar houses in New Hampshire. Samples are offered and everywhere you look, people are makig things with maple. Heck I even get in to the mode with fresh cinnamon rolls and maple syrup. This year I'm trying a new recipe for maple scones and Mitch is already working on maple-butter for the pancakes. Maple month, come up and try it.
Romance in the magic of the mountains.